Chordion color code

Hi there!
Im a big fan of your app, I found it very useful for a people who don’t know music theory perfectly, just like me.
So my question is: what is the idea behind color-coding? I mean chords in the layout have different shades of the same color and if I choose another chord it change shade of a current color in some cases, but in other cases it change color to a different one.
I was trying to find an answer to “what is the purpose of color-coding?” either in manual and at forum, but no luck…
Thanks in advance!

It’s been a long time since I built that app… so I don’t remember the exact logic. But the idea is that the more notes the two chords/pads have in common, the closer the color will be.

And on the keyboard, the root of the chord is highlighted.

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Got it! Thanks for explanation! Highlighted root was something obvious, but that different colors/shades were not fully clear